
This website is designed for people who are suffering from various forms of trauma such as c-PTSD (Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome), RTS (Rape Trauma Syndrome) Domestic Abuse and other traumas. I wrote much of this a few years ago. If it looks like I am bleeding all over these pages, I was.  This was important to my healing process at the time so I left the emotional experience intact. Emotional damage alters the brain becoming physical damage, physical traumas have an emotional element to them.

If you know someone who suffers from a trauma, send this link to them.  Maybe it will help.

If you cannot relate to the introductory page, then you have not experienced a trauma deep enough to comprehend what has become second nature to us. This website is not for you. You can read this site, but you will never fully understand the complex brain damage  and subsequent insanity that comes about as a result of emotional trauma.  You are welcome to read this information and try to understand, but the world you are about to study, the world in which we live and cannot escape, will always be foreign to you.

We welcome you as a visitor, but please, do not disturb the natives. We are in the process of healing. When you talk with us, it helps. In fact, it is an important part of the healing process. Please, do not be afraid of us.

Remember, although we are healing, we are still hurting beyond comprehension, and sometimes, injured animals …

Please do not intentionally poke us with a stick to see if we will move or react. Yes, we feel. But our feelings can overwhelm us and as a safety feature, often shut down. If you keep poking us when we seem unresponsive, we could suddenly explode.


Continue to Foreword